Nodes have "Event" tag:
Summer Conference 2019
7/28/2019 Sunday service will be at The Firs Conference Center
(4605 Cable St,Bellingham, WA 98229)
no service at RSDA building on 7/28.
(4605 Cable St,Bellingham, WA 98229)
no service at RSDA building on 7/28.
Summer Conference at the Firs - 2018
7/27-7/29 在 The Firs Conference Center 舉行,
中文部 講員為欒大端長老。
地點:The Firs - 4605 Cable St, Bellingham, WA 98229 Info
Youth 30-Hour Famine
Youth 30-Hour Famine.
長老及執事退修會 Elders and Deacons retreat
Annual Congregational Meeting
慶祝聖誕聯合禮拜 Christmas Joint worship
長老與執事會 Elders and Deacons meeting (1)
Quarterly Meeting
Youth group meeting
Youth Parent meeting
2015 - 2016 Youth parent meeting
中英文聯合施洗禮/接納新會員 Baptism/New members acceptance
執事家庭午餐會 All Deacons Meeting
聖誕夜聯合燭光讚美禮拜 Christmas Eve Service
1. 受洗造就班:請凡是已經決定要在今年十二月二十日藉著水洗禮在上帝與眾人面前
2. 「讀經法」操練如何讀懂聖經的原意,明白聖經修辭學,上下文,文體及中心要義,
3. 校園學生班