Nodes have "Event" tag:
Children Dedication Sunday
Usher and Greeter training (2)
長老與執事會 Elders and Deacons meeting (4) -- Postponed
Postponed to another future date (TBD)
迎新午餐 New visitors welcome lunch (3)
守望關懷 Stephen Ministers support group meeting
Meet every first and third Saturdays. 9:30AM - 11:30AM
10/1 Module 19
10/15 Module 19 - Ministry to the Dying and Their Family and Friends (part 2) Meeting canceled due to storm.
11/19 No meeting, due to Coworker Retreat
12/3 meeting at 1:30pm
成長主日學2016秋季班開始 Maturity Sunday School 2016B begins
成長主日學2016秋季班開始至十一月底 Maturity Sunday School 2016B begins
1 「受洗造就班」:凡已經決志接受耶穌基督為個人生命與生活的主宰, 願意準備接受誰洗禮者請儘速向楊牧師報名。
2 人人關懷系列(二)「基督徒茶餘陪談」
3 校園學生班
小組長會議 Small group leaders Quarterly Meeting (3)
All Small Groups Activity
長老與執事會 Elders and Deacons meeting (3)
Stephen Minister support group meeting (3)
迎新午餐 New visitors welcome lunch (2)
Stephen Minister support group meeting (1)
讀經營 (六)(七)十步釋經法
讀經營 (六)(七)小組查經領袖訓練; 十步釋經法
5/29 Sun 9:30AM - 10:30AM Location: RSDA
5/28 Sat 9:00AM - 4:00PM, Location: ECCC