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Joy Fellowship 喜樂團契 2012

See 2013 list


12/11/2012   星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

(Last day of class 12/18/12)

1. Ye Tao Hua (月桃花)

2. Shalala

​3. Cry Cry Cry

4. My Kinda Crowd

* 5. Amazing Grace

* 6. Love Joan

*7. Go Seven (Ria Vos)

  8.Going it Alone

9.Color of the Wind

(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video


12/4/2012   星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

(Last day of class 12/18/12)

1. Ye Tao Hua (月桃花)

2. Shalala

​3. Cry Cry Cry

4. My Kinda Crowd

* 5. Amazing Grace

* 6. Love Joan

*7. Go Seven (Ria Vos)

  8.Going it Alone

9.Color of the Wind

(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video



11/27/2012   星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC


1. Zobra

​2. Ye Tao Hua (月桃花)

​3. Cry Cry Cry

4. My Kinda Crowd

* 5. Celtic CT (Joan X Targa)

 6. Shalala

*7. Go Seven (Ria Vos)

  8. Going it Alone

9.Color of the Wind

 10. Amazing Grace

11. Reflection 2

12.Mandolins in the Moonlight

(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video




11/20/2012   星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC


1. Zobra

​2. Ye Tao Hua (月桃花)

​3. Cry Cry Cry

4. My Kinda Crowd

* 5. Celtic CT (Joan X Targa)

 6. Shalala

*7. Go Seven (Ria Vos)

  8. Going it Alone

9.Color of the Wind

10. Reflection 2

(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video



11/13/2012   星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC


1. Zobra

​2. Ye Tao Hua (月桃花)

​3. Cry Cry Cry

4. My Kinda Crowd

* 5. Celtic CT (Joan X Targa)

 6. Shalala

*7. Go Seven (Ria Vos)

  8. Going it Alone

9.Color of the Wind

10. Reflection 2

(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video


10/30/2012   星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

(11/6/12 No class)

1. Just Dream

​2. Ye Tao Hua (月桃花)

​3. Zorba

  4. Going It Alone

* 5. Celtic CT (Joan X Targa)

 6. Shalala

*7. Go Seven (Ria Vos)

  8. Cry Cry Cry

9.Come Dance with Me

10. Reflection 2

11. Ciao Amici

 12. Color of the Wind

13.Mandolins in the Moonlight

(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video


10/23/2012   星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

1. Just Dream

​2. Zorba

  ​3. Going It Alone

*  ​4. Celtic CT (Joan X Targa)

 * 5. Shalala

*6. Go Seven (Ria Vos)

  7. Cry Cry Cry

8. Reflection 2

 * ​9. Color of the Wind

10.Mandolins in the Moonlight

(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video



10/16/2012   星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

1. Just Dream

​2. Zorba

  ​3. Going It Alone

*  ​4. Celtic CT (Joan X Targa)

 * 5. Shalala

*6. Go Seven (Ria Vos)

  7. Cry Cry Cry

8. Reflection 2

 * ​9. Color of the Wind

10.Mandolins in the Moonlight

(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video


10/9/2012   星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

1. Just Dream

​2. Ye Tao Hua (月桃花)

  ​3. Going It Alone

  ​4. Reflection 2

 * 5. Shalala

*6. Go Seven (Ria Vos)

  7. Cry Cry Cry


 * ​9. Color of the Wind

10.Mandolins in the Moonlight

(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video


10/2/2012   星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

1. Just Dream

​2. Ye Tao Hua (月桃花)

*  ​3. Cry Cry Cry

*  ​4. Zorba

 * 5. Shalala

6, Ciao Amici

*  7. Going It Alone

8. Reflection 2

 * ​9. Color of the Wind

10.Mandolins in the Moonlight

(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video




9/25/2012   星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

1. Just Dream

​2. Ye Tao Hua (月桃花)

*  ​3. Cry Cry Cry

*  ​4. Zorba

5. Ciao Amici

*  6. Going It Alone

* ​7. Reflection 2

​8. Mandolins in the Moonlight

(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video


9/18/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

1. Just Dream

​2. Ye Tao Hua (月桃花)

*  ​3. Cry Cry Cry

*  ​4. Going It Alone

5. Ciao Amici

*  6. Amazing Grace

* ​7. Reflection 2

​8. Mandolins in the Moonlight

(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video

9/11/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

1. Just Dream

​2. Ye Tao Hua (月桃花)

*  ​3. Cry Cry Cry

*  ​4. Going It Alone

5. Ciao Amici

*  6. Amazing Grace

 ​7. Chachanela

​8. Mandolins in the Moonlight

(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video


9/4/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

1. Anniversary Waltz

​2. Just Dream

*  ​3. Ye Tao Hua (月桃花)

*  ​4. Cry Cry Cry

*  5. Ciao Amici

*  6. Amazing Grace

 ​7. Chachanela

​8. Mandolins in the Moonlight

(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video


8/28/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

1. Anniversary Waltz

​2. A Rocking Good Way

*  ​3. Just Dream

*  ​4. Ye Tao Hua (月桃花)

*  ​5. Ciao Amici

*  6. Amazing Grace

*  ​7. Chachanela

​8. Other Side Of The Track

*  9. Mandolins in the Moonlight

(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video


8/21/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

1. Anniversary Waltz

​2. A Rocking Good Way

*  ​3. Just Dream

​4. Totoy Bibbo

*  ​5. Mandolins in the Moonlight

*  6. Amazing Grace

*  ​7. Ciao Amici

​8. Other Side Of The Track

9. Chachanela

(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video


8/14/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC


1. Nomi

2. Burlesque

 3. Other Side Of The Track

* 4. Amazing Grace

 5. Nobody But You

* 6. Chachanela

* 7. Ciao Amici

* 8. A Rocking Good Way

* 9. Totoy Bibbo

10.Anniversery Waltz

(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video



8/7/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC


1. Nomi

2. Burlesque

 3. Other Side Of The Track

* 4. Amazing Grace

 5. Nobody But You

* 6. Chachanela

* 7. Ciao Amici

* 8. A Rocking Good Way

* 9. Totoy Bibbo

10.Anniversery Waltz

(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video



7/31/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC


1. Nomi

2. Memory Lane

* 3. Other Side Of The Track

* 4. Ciao Amici

 5. Nobody But You

* 6. Chachanela


* 8. A Rocking Good Way

* 9. Totoy Bibbo

10.Anniversery Waltz

(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video


7/24/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

1. The Magic is There

2. Nomi

* 3. Other Side Of The Track

* 4. Ciao Amici

 5. Memory Lane

* 6. Nobody But You

* 7.Totoy Bibbo

* 8. A Rocking Good Way

9. Burlesque

10.Anniversery Waltz

(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video



7/17/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

1. The Magic is There

2. Caballero

* 3. Other Side Of The Track

4. Nomi

* 5. Memory Lane

* 6. Nobody But You

7.Mucara Walk

* 8. A Rocking Good Way

9. Burlesque

10.Anniversery Waltz

(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video


7/10/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

1. The Magic is There

2. Caballero

* 3. Other Side Of The Track

4. Nomi

* 5. Memory Lane

* 6. Nobody But You

7.Mucara Walk

* 8. A Rocking Good Way

9. Burlesque

10.Anniversery Waltz


(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video

7/3/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

1.Por Ti Sere

2. Caballero

* 3. Nobody But You

4. The Magic is there

* 5. Nomi

6. Inspiration

7.Mucara Walk

* 8. Memory Lane

9. Burlesque

10.Anniversery Waltz


(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video

6/26/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

1.Por Ti Sere

2. Caballero

* 3. Nobody But You

4. The Magic is there

* 5. Nomi

6. Inspiration

7.Mucara Walk

8. Burlesque

9.Anniversery Waltz

10. Baby Doll Waltz

(* = will walk through) to check the dance Video

6/19/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC


1.Magic Cha Cha

2.Por Ti Sere

3. Caballero

4. Nobody But You *****New

5. The Magic is there

6. Inspiration

7.Mucara Walk

8. Burlesque

9.Anniversery Waltz

10. Baby Doll Waltz to check the dance Video


6/12/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

1.Magic Cha Cha

2.Por Ti Sere

3. Caballero

4. Inspiration

5. The Magic is there

6.Mucara Walk

7. Burlesque

8. Anniversary Waltz

9. Baby Doll Waltz to check the dance Video


6/5/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

1.Magic Cha Cha

2.Por Ti Sere

3. Caballero

4. Inspiration

5. The Magic is there

6.Mucara Walk

7. Burlesque

8. Try to Remember

9. Baby Doll Waltz to check the dance Video


5/29/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

1.Andrew's Cha Cha

2.Por Ti Sere

3. Caballero

4.Magic Cha Cha

5. Burlesque

6. The Magic is there

7.Mucara Walk

8. Billy B Bad

9. Try to Remember

10. Baby Doll Waltz to check the dance Video

5/22/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

1. Love Joann

2.Andrew's Cha Cha

3.Por Ti Sere

4. Caballero

5.Home Ward Bound

6. The Magic is there

7.Mucara Walk

8. Billy B Bad

9. Try to Remember

10. Baby Doll Waltz to check the dance Video

5/15/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

1. Love Joann

2.Andrew's Cha Cha

3.Por Ti Sere

4. Caballero

5.Home Ward Bound

6. The Magic is there

7.Mucara Walk

8. Try to Remember

9.Billy B Bad

10. Baby Doll Waltz to check the dance Video



5/8/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

1. Love Joann

2.Andrew's Cha Cha

3.Por Ti Sere

4. Caballero

5.Home Ward Bound

6. The Magic is there

7.Mucara Walk

8. Try to Remember

9.Billy B Bad

10. Baby Doll Waltz to check the dance Video


5/1/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC


1. Love Joann

2.Andrew's Cha Cha

3.Por Ti Sere

4. Caballero

5.Home Ward Bound

6. The Magic is there

7.Mucara Walk

8. Baby Jane

9. Baby Doll Waltz to check the dance Video

4/24/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC


1. Magic Cha Cha

2. Love Joann

3. Mucara Walk

4. Baby Jane

5.Try to Remember

6.Billy B Bad

7. Por Ti Sere

8. Home Ward Bound

9.The Magic is there

10. Baby Doll Waltz

11.Andrew's Cha Cha

12.Tango with the Sheriff

13.Come Dance with Me

14.Show Me More to check the dance Video


4/17/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC


1. Magic Cha Cha

2. Love Joann

3. Mucara Walk

4. Baby Jane

5.Try to Remember

6.Billy B Bad

7. Por Ti Sere

8. Home Ward Bound

9.The Magic is there

10. Baby Doll Waltz to check the dance Video


4/10/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC


1. Magic Cha Cha

2. Love Joann

3. Mucara Walk

4. Baby Jane

5.Try to Remember

6.Billy B Bad

7. Home Ward Bound

8.Blue Note

9. Baby Doll Waltz to check the dance Video

4/3/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC

1. Tango with the Sheriff

2. Love Joann

3. Mucara Walk

4. Baby Jane

5. 1 2 3 4

6. Billy B Bad

7. Home Ward Bound

8.Blue Note

9. Baby Doll Waltz to check the dance Video



3/27/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC


一天的難處一天當就彀了。 — 《馬太福音 6:34》

1. Show me More

2. Blue Note

3. Love Joann

4. Tango with the Sheriff

5. Baby Jane

6. Billy B Bad

7. Baby Doll Waltz

8. Andrew's Cha Cha

9. Come Dance with Me to check the dance Video


3/20/2012 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC


— 《詩篇 34:8》


1. Show me More

2. Blue Note

3. Love Joann

4. Tango with the Sheriff

5. Baby Jane

6. Baby Doll Waltz

7. Andrew's Cha Cha

8. Come Dance with Me



箴言 10:23