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3/20/2018  –  11/27/2018 
  (No class on 5/8, 5/15, and 5/22)


時間:星期二晚上 7:00 – 8:45pm

          7:00 – 7:45 1st session

            7:45 – 8:00 sharing

8:00 – 8:45 2nd session


地點:  Highlands Community Church 體育館

 3031 NE 10th Street Renton, WA 98056

            請繞至教會後面停車場停車 由體育館入口進入                                               

費用: 自由樂捐 (支票抬頭 ECCSKC)



1. 請勿攜帶十一歲以下的孩童.

2. 進場地後請換穿舞鞋,以防止足部受傷並保護場地地板.

3. 自行攜帶飲水.

4. 保持場所清潔,結束時請協助恢復場地為原樣.

5.     填寫”責任豁免同意書”表格,以備聯絡之需,資料如有變動,請通知同工.


Joy Fellowship (Line Dance) of ECCSKC


Time:              Tuesday Nights 7:00-8:45pm

                               3/20/2018  –  11/27/2018    (No class on 5/8, 5/15, and 5/22)


Location:        Highlands Community Church (HCC)  Family Life Center

                       3031 NE 10th Street, Renton, WA 98056-3131


Fee                 Free, offering is welcomed (check payable to ECCSKC)


Please follow the guidelines to help keep this fellowship running smoothly:

1.      No children under age of 11 allowed in the gym.

2.      Wear dance shoes to protect your feet from injury and the floor from scratches.

3.      Bring your own drinking water

4.      Keep facilities clean and help return everything back to its original state.

5.      Fill out the “Liability Disclaimer Consent Form.” And keep us updated if you have any changes to your current contact information.


南區證道堂:  (借用 7th Day Adventist Church) 1031 Monroe Ave NE Renton, WA

email address:

Dance list:

VCD web site:

Step sheet:


箴言 10:31