(This is a saved list)
12/28/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
耶和華本為善、在患難的日子為人的保障.並且認得那些投靠他的人。— 《那鴻書 1:7》 |
1 Love and Dreams
2 Mandolins in the Moonlight
3 Ooo Aah
4 Homeward Bound
5 Picnic Polka
6 Reflection 2
7 Tennessee Waltz Surprise
8 Try to Remember
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
12/21/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
你是我藏身之處.你必保佑我脫離苦難、以得救的樂歌、四面環繞我。 |
— 《詩篇 32:7》 |
1 Come Dance with Me
2 Waltz Across Texas
3 Por Ti Sere
4 Iko Iko
5 Electric Slide
6 Jailhouse Creole
7 Stroll Along Cha Cha
8 Peach & Cream
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
Fellowship Annual Party – Dec 14th 2010
Members: Lisa, Yenping, Shaudwreen, Amy, Wing, Carol, Connie, Elsa, Georgiana, Jane, Koryee, Deborah, Lily, Norman, Rong, Sara Wendy, Debbie
Proposed Program List:
5:45 - 6:30 Set up
6:30 - Opening Prayer
6:30 - 7:15 Dinner
7:15 - 7:30 Singing- Jane
7:30 - 7:45 Sharing – Norman & Elsa
7:45 - 8:45 Game Time – Amy
8:45 – 9:00 Presentation of gift to Eloise, Lucky Draw
9:00 - Closing Prayer
9:15 - Clean up
12/7/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
神阿、求你鑒察我、知道我的心思、試煉我、知道我的意念. |
— 《詩篇 139:23-24》 |
1. Manna Maria
2. Hello Dolly
3. Show Me More
4. My Next Love
5. Linda Eh
6. Mandolins in the Moonlight
7. Todo Todo
8. Speak to the Sky
9. Zorba
10. Daisy Likes to Tango
11. Broken Stone
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
11/30/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
壓傷的蘆葦、他不折斷.將殘的燈火、他不吹滅. |
1. Love and Dream
2. Hello Dolly
3. Show Me More
4. My Next Love
5. Linda Eh
6. Jailhouse creole
7. Peach and Cream
8. Speak to the Sky
9. Waltz Across Texas
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
11/16/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
神照著運行在我們心裡的大力、充充足足的成就一切超過我們所求所想的. — 《以弗所書 3:20》 |
1. Love and Dream
2. Hello Dolly
3. Todo Todo
4. My Next Love
5. Zorba
6. Jailhouse creole
7. Speak to the Sky
8. Billy B Bad
9. Waltz Across Texas
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
11/9/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
耶和華阿、你的話安定在天、直到永遠。 |
— 《詩篇 119:89-90》 |
1. Mamma Maria
2. Broken Stone
3. Love and Dreams
4. Hello Dolly
5. Waltz Across Texas
6. Todo Todo
7. Zorba
8. Billy B Bad
9. My Next Love
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
10/26/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
(11/2/10 No dance class)
我們曉得萬事都互相效力、叫愛 神的人得益處、 |
1. Broken Stones
2. Love and Dream
3. Hello Dolly
4. My Next Love
5. Zorba
6. Queen of My Heart
7. Iko Iko
8. Billy B Bad
9. Daisy Likes to Tango
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
10/19/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
你們所遇見的試探、無非是人所能受的、 神是信實的、必不叫你們受試探過於所能受的. 在受試探的時候、總要給你們開一條出路、叫你們能忍受得住。 — 《歌林多前書 10:13》 |
1. Broken Stones
2. Electric Slide
3. Billy Be Bad
4. My Next Love
5. Zorba
6. Iko Iko
7. Queen of My Heart
8. Daisy Likes to Tango
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
10/12/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
耶和華阿、你的話安定在天、直到永遠。 你的誠實存到萬代。你堅定了地、地就長存。 — 《詩篇 119:89-90》 |
1. Broken Stones
2. Electric Slide
3. Ooo Aah
4. My Next Love
5. Zorba
6. Queen of My Heart
7. Iko Iko
8. Daisy Likes to Tango
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
10/5/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
有人靠車、有人靠馬、但我們要提到耶和華我們 神的名。 — 《詩篇 20:7》 |
1. Mamma Maria
2. Speak to the Sky
3. Ooo Aah
4. My Next Love
5. Tush Push
6. Queen of My Heart
7. Daisy Likes to Tango
8. Broken Stones
9/28/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
所以你們要自卑、服在 神大能的手下、到了時候他必叫你們升高。 — 《彼得前書 5:6-7》 |
1 Mamma Maria
2 Picnic Polka
3 Linda Eh
4 Queen of My Heart
5 Speak to the Sky
6 Daisy Likes to Tango
7 Ooo Aah
8 Tush Push
9 Broken Stones
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
9/21/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
你們所忍受的、是 神管教你們、待你們如同待兒子. |
1. Mamma Maria
2. Broken Stones
3. Speak to The Sky
4. Picnic Polka
5. Daisey Likes to Tango
6. Mandolins in the Moonlight
7. Try to Remember
8. Linda Eh
9. Reflection 2
9/14/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
要等候耶和華.當壯膽、堅固你的心.我再說、要等候耶和華。 — 《詩篇 27:14》 |
1. Mamma Maria
2. Show Me More
3. Speak to The Sky
4. Picnic Polka
5. Daisey Likes to Tango
6. Mandolins in the Moonlight
7. Try to Remember
8. Linda Eh
9. Reflection 2
9/7/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
所以你們要自卑、服在 神大能的手下、到了時候他必叫你們升高。 |
1. Tango with Sheriff
2. Picnic Polka
3. Speak to the Sky
4. Show Me More
5. Mandolins in the Moonlight
6. Mamma Maria
7. Reflection 2
8. Linda Eh
9. Try to Remember
8/31/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
所以弟兄們、我以 神的慈悲勸你們、將身體獻上、當作活祭、 |
— 《羅馬書 12:1》 |
1. Tango with Sheriff
2. Picnic Polka
3. Speak to the Sky
4. Show Me More
5. Mandolins in the Moonlight
6. Smooth
7. Reflection 2
8. Linda Eh
9. Try to Remember
8/24/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
你不要害怕、因為我與你同在.不要驚惶、因為我是你的 神. |
— 《以賽亞書 41:10》 |
1. Tango with Sheriff
2. Picnic Polka
3. Mandolins in the Moonlight
4. Show me more
5. Todo Todo
6. Smooth
7. Reflection 2
8. Linda Eh
9. Try To Remember
8/17/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
信就是所望之事的實底、是未見之事的確據。 |
— 《希伯來書 11:1》 |
1. Tango with Sheriff
2. Picnic Polka
3. Mandolins in the Moonlight
4. Show me more
5. Todo Todo
6. Smooth
7. Reflection 2
8.Try to Remember
8/10/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
所以弟兄們、我以 神的慈悲勸你們、將身體獻上、當作活祭、 |
— 《羅馬書 12:1》 |
1. Tango with Sheriff
2. Picnic Polka
3. Mandolins in the Moonlight
4. Show me more
5. Ooh Aah
6. Smooth
7. Reflection 2
8.Try to Remember
No dance class on Aug 3,2010 at HCC
7/27/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
耶和華是我的產業、是我杯中的分.我所得的你為我持守。 |
— 《詩篇 16:5-6》 |
1. Tango with Sheriff
2. Reflection 2
3. Mandolins in the Moonlight
4. Picnic Polka
5. Todo Todo
6. Try to Remember
7. Queen of my Heart
8. Smooth
9. Rhythm of the Falling Rain
10. Show me more
11. Ooh Aah
12. Blue Note
7/20/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
5 你要專心仰賴耶和華,不可倚靠自己的聰明‧ 6 在你一切所行的事上,都要認定他,他必指引你的路‧ 箴言 第3章 |
1. Tango with Sheriff
2. Smooth
3. Mandolins in the Moonlight
4. Picnic Polka
5. Todo Todo
6. Try to Remember
7. Tennessee Waltz Surprise
8. Show me more
9. Blue Note
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
7/13/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
1. Rhythm of the Falling Rain
2. Smooth
3. Mandolins in the Moonlight
4. Picnic Polka
5. Tango with Sheriff
6. Try to Remember
7. Tennessee Waltz Surprise
8 Blue Note
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
7/6/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
1.Blue Note
2. Rhythm of the Falling Rain
3. Mandolins in the Moonlight
4. Picnic Polka
5. Tango with Sheriff
6. Try to Remember
7. Tennessee Waltz Surprise
8. Smooth
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
6/29/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
耶和華是我的巖石、我的山寨、我的救主、我的 神、 |
1. Blue note
2. Rhythm of the Falling Rain
3. Mandolins in the Moonlight
4. Tennessee Waltz Surprise
5. Tango with Sheriff
6. Try to Remember
7. Ooo Aah
8. Smooth
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
6/22/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
神是個靈.所以拜祂的、必須用心靈和誠實拜祂。 — 《約翰福音 4:24》 |
1. Tush Push
2.Blue Note
3. Try to Remember
4. Rhythm of the Falling Rain
5. Tango with Sheriff
6. Tennessee Waltz Surprise
7. Ooo Aah
8. Smooth
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
6/15/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
你們要嘗嘗主恩的滋味、便知道他是美善.投靠他的人有福了。 |
— 《詩篇 34:8 |
1. Tush Push
2. Queen of My Heart
3. Blue Note
4. Rhythm of the Falling Rain
5. Tango with Sheriff
6. Tennessee Waltz Surprise
7. Ooo Aah
8. Smooth
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
6/8/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
詩篇 第86篇
6 |
耶和華阿,求你留心聽我的禱告,垂聽我懇求的聲音‧ |
7 |
我在患難之日要求告你‧因為你必應允我‧ |
1. Todo Todo
2. Queen of My Heart
3. Tush Push
4. Rhythm of the Falling Rain
5. Ooo Aah
6. Tennessee Waltz Surprise
7. Smooth
8. Jo N' Jo Tango
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
6/1/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
誰能登耶和華的山.誰能站在祂的聖所. |
— 《詩篇 24:3-4》 |
1. Todo Todo
2. Queen of My Heart
3. Tush Push
4. Smooth
5. Ooo Aah
6. Tennessee Waltz Surprise
7. Linda Eh
8. Jo N' Jo Tango
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
5/25/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
你們若常在我裡面、我的話也常在你們裡面、凡你們所願意的、祈求就給你們成就。 |
— 《約翰福音 15:7》 |
1. Jo N' Jo Tango
2. Queen of My Heart
3. Smooth
4. Todo Todo
5. Ooo Aah
6. Tennessee Waltz Surprise
7. Linda Eh
8. Tush Push
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
5/18/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
你不要害怕、因為我與你同在.不要驚惶、因為我是你的 神. |
— 《以賽亞書 41:10》 |
1. Show Me More
2. Jo N' Jo Tango
3. Queen of My Heart
4. Todo Todo
5. Ooo Aah
6. Tennessee Waltz Surprise
7. Linda Eh
8. Tush Push
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
5/11/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
只是我告訴你們、要愛你們的仇敵.為那逼迫你們的禱告。 |
— 《馬太福音 5:44-45》 |
1. Show Me More
2. Jo N' Jo Tango
3. Queen of My Heart
4. Todo Todo
5. Ooo Aah
6. Tush Push
7. Linda Eh
8. Rain drops for Perfidia
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
5/4/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
你是我藏身之處.你必保佑我脫離苦難、以得救的樂歌、四面環繞我。 |
— 《詩篇 32:7》 |
1. Show Me More
2. Jo N' Jo Tango
3. Queen of My Heart
4. Todo Todo
5. Ooo Aah
6. Reflection 2
7. Linda Eh
8. Rain drops for Perfidia
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
4/27/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
主耶和華賜我受教者的舌頭、使我知道怎樣用言語扶助疲乏的人. |
— 《以賽亞書 50:4》 |
1. Hippy Dippy Mambo
2. Show Me More
3. Queen of My Heart
4. Todo Todo
5. Linda Eh
6. Reflection 2
7. Jo N' Jo Tango
8. Rain drops for Perfidia
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
4/20/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
耶和華我的磐石、我的救贖主阿、願我口中的言語、 |
— 《詩篇 19:14》 |
1. Hippy Dippy Mambo
2. Show Me More
3. Queen of My Heart
4. Jo N' Jo Tango
5. Linda Eh
6. Rain drops for Perfidia
7. Reflection 2
8. Come Dance with Me
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
4/13/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
《羅馬書 8:28》
我們曉得萬事都互相效力、叫愛 神的人得益處、 |
1. Hippy Dippy Mambo
2. Show Me More
3. Queen of My Heart
4. Come Dance with Me
5. Linda Eh
6. Rain drops for Perfidia
7. Jo N' Jo Tango
8. Reflection 2
9. Stroll Along Cha Cha
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
4/6/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
約翰福音 第1章
1 |
太初有道,道與神同在,道就是 神‧ |
2 |
這道太初與 神同在‧ |
3 |
萬物是藉著他造的‧凡被造的,沒有一樣不是藉著他造的‧ |
1. Hippy Dippy Mambo
2. Show Me More
3. Come Dance with Me
4. Linda Eh
5. Rain drops for Perfidia
6. Reflection 2
7. Jo N' Jo Tango
8. Stroll Along Cha Cha
9. Storybook Ending
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
3/30/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
求你使我們早早飽得你的慈愛、好叫我們一生一世歡呼喜樂。 |
— 《詩篇 90:14》 |
1. Hippy Dippy Mambo
2. Show Me More
3. Come Dance with Me
4. Linda Eh
5. Rain drops for Perfidia
6. Reflection 2
7. Stroll Along Cha Cha
8. Storybook Ending
9. Shy Waltz
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
3/23/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
《以弗所書 4:23-24》
這新人是照著 神的形像造的、有真理的仁義、和聖潔。
1. Hippy Dippy Mambo
2. Shy Waltz
3. Reflection 2
4. Come Dance with Me
5. Rain drops for Perfidia
6. Stroll Along Cha Cha
7. Show Me More
8. Storybook Ending
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
3/16/2010 星期二 7:00PM - 8:45PM at HCC
我將耶和華常擺在我面前.因他在我右邊、我便不至搖動。 |
— 《詩篇 16:8-9》 |
1. Iko Iko
2. Hippy Dippy Mambo
3. Electric Slide
4. Reflection 2
5. Shy Waltz
6. Come Dance with Me
7. Stroll Along Cha Cha
8. Storybook Ending
www.youtube.com to check the dance Video
<Started on 3/16/2010>
2. Picnic Polka
3. Mandolins in the Moonlight
4. Show me more
5. Todo Todo
8. Linda Eh
7. Ooh Anh
9. Try to Remember
6. Smooth
7. Reflection 2
3. Speak to the sky
8. Queen of My heart
10. Rhythm of the Falling Rain